Monday, January 6, 2014


We decided to take the girls up north and hike a trail that Jon had been to with some of the guys from his unit for PT.  Since he had been on this hike before he knew there was a McDonald's right near the site.  We told the girls about this and they wanted to spend the gift card a friend gave them for Christmas.  The girls used their cards to buy themselves happy meals that came with pokeman toys. 
Once they had finished their meals we loaded up and drove around a little lost until Jon found the right spot.  Lets remember that this was a hike Jon went on with his soldiers - about an hour into the hike Molly was a little less than thrilled.  We made it about 2 hours before reaching our peak!  When Jon hiked they went down this one and up to the taller but our little trooper was DONE.  The girls did enjoy nature a little but when asked what she preferred to do Molly picked shopping every time.  
Feeling like big girls - buying meals on their own

Our hike

2 packs means someone has to walk

everyone is excited

One person snored while sleeping on the hike

Riley kept a continual commentary on what we hiked by.
Trees, more trees, dirt, stairs and more trees.
Molly kept asking when it was going to be over

The final ascent

Exploring at the top.
The centipede was very exciting

Mom I would rather shop than do this

Doing a little post hike push ups.

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