Thursday, March 26, 2015

Life with Little people

I enjoy life with my little people most of the time.  These past few weeks have been up and down!  I get together with friends weekly for bible study and we all have kids close in age so we have another friend watch them while we meet.  A few weeks ago we had a less intense study session and did our study followed by a Thai cooking lesson by a lady in the group who is from Korea.  I have now made that Thai curry 2 times and it will probably be added in to our regular rotation because it was so good and easy.
Another high was when the oldest accomplished her 100 mile club goal and ran her 100th mile at school.  We have been going every Mon & Wed morning for most of the year for her to run with the club and accomplish her goal. 
Yet another high - a lot of fun girl days.  We went to see Cinderella while they were all dressed up as princess and had lots of beach picnics.
Some lows- Jon being gone for a school and all 3 girls getting pink eye!!
Thai cooking Bible study

Cooking with chopsticks!

Man that was some awesome food.
Thai curry and beef salad

She did it - 100 miles at school!!!!

Princesses going to see a princess movie

Popcorn, candy and soda - no better combination.

Pintrest crafting while Jon was gone.

The new and improved play area

Beach fun

Why stay at home when you can play outside

Another day another beach

Soda shakers

I guess 3 days at the beach was too much to ask for.
2 cases of "non contagious" pink eye followed by the 3rd kid getting it.

Ahh doctors offices - fun times.

Too nice to stay inside but still too much eye goop to be in public.
Lots of backyard picnics.

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