Friday, January 11, 2013


I am would like to say I am frugal but the bottom line is I am cheap, you can ask anyone in my family.  When Jon and I got married we lived in an apartment that rent was $300 a month - the cops were are regular for our neighbors so we later moved.  When we found out that we were pregnant I researched cloth diapers and we went with it because it could save you around $3,000 - so said the Internet.  Cloth diapers were a great decision on the money side of life but now that we have 3 kids well there are times I go with disposable for laziness sake.  When we PCS'd from AK to NC we tent camped for the fun of it and to save up some.  I would not trade that experience for the life of it - Jon, Molly and I had so much fun and I loved camping more than staying in a hotel. 
So this past year I have tried a few new things in order to save our family money.  Some have been better than others.  My first attempt was homemade laundry detergent.  It actually works pretty good and our clothes still smell good so this is a keeper.  My second attempt was dishwasher soap.  This will be a no go once it is gone - the dishes are clean but I just don't like the look or feel of the dishes.  Next up homemade lotion - my friends had some at their house and it was pretty awesome. 

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